I wouldn’t call this piece an expression of hate, rather one of blunt honesty. In regard to what it can accomplish, that would be insight as to why there’s such a hesitation with Black and Brown Americans to participate in politics. We are often marginalized, tone policed, and isolated out of white-centered spaces — especially white-centered political spaces.
I can see that you’re struggling to comprehend the reality that many Black and Brown American are distrustful in white-centered political spaces, so here are a few articles that will provide more detailed insight. Also, in between articles, there are a few questions you may want to consider asking yourself: “Why did this woman’s opinion read as hate to me? Why did I feel a need to be condescending and speak down to her, rather than engage and begin a healthy conversation? Why do I reject everything she said, even though her opinions are based on experience?” All rhetorical questions, no need to reply.
This is a great article because it examines the history of the relationship between Black Americans and vvhite liberals.
“Your Liberal Friends Will Try to Suppress the Education of Black Children” http://phillys7thward.org/2017/07/dont-fooled-even-liberal-friends-will-try-suppress-education-black-children/
This is an amazing nonfiction by Jason L. Riley , written in January 2016 “Please Stop Helping Us: How Liberals Make It Harder for Blacks to Succeed” https://www.amazon.com/Please-Stop-Helping-Us-Liberals/dp/1594038414
Black Progress and Liberal Rhetoric, by Ben J. Wattenberg, written 1973 “ By refusing to acknowledge the facts of success, liberals give further currency to the old stereotypes of black poverty — slums, ratinfested dwellings, a self-perpetuating welfare culture — and thereby help to confer legitimacy on the policies of those who would shirk the hard task of social and economic integration.” https://www.commentarymagazine.com/articles/black-progress-and-liberal-rhetoric/
“ … many Blacks perceive most vvhite liberals as hypocritical and selfishly motivated in their relations with Black people.” https://www.jstor.org/stable/2577465?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents